November 11, 2010

Newsletter 11/12

The K-A Kids’ Newsletter

We started a new theme – We’re a Family! We read a big book in which mothers and daughters share traditions but also change them – “Tortillas and Lullabies.” We noticed the different times and places in the story. Here are some easy ways to extend our discussions at home. Talk about grandparents and great-grandparents in your family. Talk about a tradition that comes from a grandparent or great grandparent. With your child, sing a lullaby or a favorite song that you remember as a child.
Our new alphafriend was Tiggy Tiger for the letter T. Our new high frequency word was “my”.
The theme 2 test was given. It tested matching same beginning sounds, listening comprehension, letter/sound associations for m, s, and r, and the high frequency words.

Lessons this week included:
Monster Squeeze Game - reading numbers, comparing and ordering numbers.
Pocket Problems – using concrete experiences to develop understanding of addition and subtraction.
Roll and Record - reviewing counting, writing, and number recognition through a graphing activity using dice
Pan balance - using the pan balance as a tool to compare the weights of objects

The students love this science theme on Wood and Paper. Doing “experiments” seems very grown up. The students especially got involved with the paper and water experiment. Their challenge was to find out “What happens when you use your eyedropper to put a drop of water on each paper sample?” We also experimented to see which paper was best for writing on and which one was best for folding.
We participated in Veteran’s Day this week by wearing red, white or blue and attending an assembly at our school.

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