October 22, 2010

Newsletter 10/22

READING Theme – Colors All Around
Our new alphafriend this week was Mimi Mouse for the letter/sound of m. The new “popcorn” word (sight word) – see. It is amazing how many sentences we can make and read with just the two sight words: I, see.
The big books were interesting ones – In the Big Blue Sea and What Do You Do, Norbert Wu? Along with pictures of the photographer in diving gear, these books showed close-up photographs of many colorful tropical fish. As we read the book we learned to make predictions about what color we thought would be next and we learned about what a photographer does.

We practiced counting and recognizing teen numbers. Reading and writing the teen numbers can cause special problems for many children. Teaching children to hear the 4 in 14, the 6 in 16, for example helps with some of the numbers. However, children must still memorize 11, 12, 13, and 15. We practiced using numbers in our envelopes, playing games such as “tricky teens” and the “flyswatter” game where we swat the teens. We decorated our room with Halloween chains using the teens in math: 10 orange chain links and ____more.

We explored the four seasons this week. We learned how the seasons bring changes in clothing, activities, and in nature.
Pam Holz, Wash. Co. Naturalist, was here this week for a lesson on owls! We learned a lot about owls. They are nocturnal birds and they are hatched from eggs. We learned how their wings and talons work, and she brought a stuffed, real owl.
We enjoyed purple and green days this week. We discovered that those colors can be made from mixing two other colors together. Finger painting to get a new color was a good “messy” project!
In science the students made their own plywood and particleboard. The workbench is a popular center as students get to hammer nails into a big tree log. We will hammer wood pieces together. If you have access to smaller pieces of wood that we could use, please send them to school.

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