September 25, 2010

All School Tie Dye Project

On a lovely fall Friday afternoon the students and staff at Wellman Elementary tie dyed t-shirts. The process started several weeks ago as we put rubber bands around our t-shirts at our first meeting in friendship groups. Each friendship group is made up of one or two students from each grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade. Throughout the school year we meet to do activities, service projects, lunch/play together, or whatever the staff sets up.

Here's my "Bugs Bunny" friendship group ready to start.

The volunteers were ready for us!

The line to squirt black and yellow dye on the shirt.

After the t-shirts were safely put into plastic bags to go home, each group had time to snack on popcorn and play. It was a wonderful time together and we can't wait to all wear our t-shirts.

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